Haka Valley: The Sequel
A successful couple of days in the hills, upping the body count by two this year. The Buck 110 also feels like a legitimate hunting knife now.
A successful couple of days in the hills, upping the body count by two this year. The Buck 110 also feels like a legitimate hunting knife now.
Repost, two years on.
Given the year that we’ve all had, it seemed appropriate that one of the heavyweights should top the list this time around. The Epic Hop Zombie has been a favourite throughout.
Runners up:
Boxing Day (vs. New Year?) noisemaking; Timaru, 2011-2012. Photos c/o Henry Smith.
A significant shell upgrade C/o RGK. Pearl Crystal Beat acrylic set - 22x16, 16x15, 12x8.
No filter required.
The family’s oldest member meets the youngest.